Lately, I caught a glimpse of Deal or No Deal and girl No.16.
Then while I was updating my blog, and checking out other bloggers, I came across a link to Girl No. 16's friendster. Right on busy-body-mode, I click to double check.
Oh yes...it was Girl No. 16. While "checking her out", I noticed the whole world were her friends! 7961 FRIENDS? KNN...sure bohhh?????
Then, I looked around and viewed some pictures. I tell you .... it was cleavage-hazzard at the highest level!
Ladies, this is dummies-guide-to-flaunting-what-you-have. Men, wipe that saliva off your mouth!
While going through more of her pictures, I began to realise Girl No. 16 is surely a succesful and a highly in-demand model.
She is also a model for a BOOB advertisement.
A succesful TV game show side kick.
Someone who loves good food (like what Tastybananas have been blogging...hell I don't mind a guest appearence!)
Girl No. 16, I wish you all the best and I hope with this post your blog traffic will skyrocket and your friendster's friends list would cover the entire population of planet MARS!
Ohh .... I forgot...leave me a comment and I will give you a "link" to her.
Technorati Profile
omg.. hot hot hot... link pls.. :shifty:
too free searching for girls on frenster ar????!!!!
Pink, stumbled upon only ....
bug or no big.... omg.. the longkang so deep.... i wanna go see the friendster also... haha
KNN... now her fans is 7992 liao lor... all come coz of her boobs?
all 584 wan...
Dude, thanks for making my day! LAWL
Keong chai - you are welcome hehehe
Okay, I'm probably gonna break all your hearts but if you bothered reading her profile and stopped ogling her boobs, you'd have noticed that she's GAY. The woman likes girls.
Pam: I KNOW! so unpredictable. but the guys are droooooling...
Haha. I'm willing to bet that you were drooling with the rest of them, too! HAHA.
Noticed you're in advertising. Some MNC slave. Haha. Which agency?
A media owner. You in ad industry too?
Wipe your own drool...lol
old news, like you hit a jackpot!
I don't need you to link, I know her other sites.
Ooo. I see. Yeah, I am. But agency side lah.
Hmm... I don't know about you guys, I still can't get over her name... Girl No.16... like something out a Bond film... LOL...
Pam: icic ... media or creative? in KL?
Creative, KL.
Which media do you handle?
I wanna be that apple. :p
Pam: Ambient
Michael: Make a christmas wish dude .. haha
Kenny: I like that "Bond Girl" nick haha...definately beat Datuk M.Yeoh man!
Cools! Maybe someday I'll work on something you're involved in. =)
her blog is http://www.xanga.com/princessfeline. hhaa no need to wait for u to give.
Pam: I surely hope so L)
Unknown: Wahhh ... either you are her big fan or you really "googled" her left right center to find her blog. Anyways, thanks (on behalf of other fellow bloggers who may be interested to check her out!) :)
wow.....it....it ...too huge ..!!
if wish she is my gf..!!so i can ....
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